Every Monday 10:30-12:00 AM at Casa Lucia Ensoma is a place where… The self constricting mechanisms we adopt and accept as our own nature can cease to operate. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding swim away from the confines of the mind/brain and flood the entire body. The ultimate intelligence of the foot teaches the heart a […]
Ensoma at the Corfu Dance Festival
http://www.corfudancefestival.com/ ..ABOUT DANCE and HER INNER CALL: «Dance for me is a place where the self constricting mechanisms we adopt and accept as our own nature can cease to operate. Dance is a place where wisdom, knowledge and understanding swim away from the confines of the mind/brain and flood the entire body. It is a […]
Eπιστροφή στην Κέρκυρα
Μετά από περιπέτειες στην ορεινή Κρήτη που μου έμαθαν πολλά ακόμα για το τι εστί Δάσκαλος, Αντοχή και Ανάπλαση το Ενσώμα πάλι στην Κέρκυρα. Για ατομικές ή/και ομαδικές συνεδρίες, για όλες τις ηλικίες επικοινωνήστε: 0030 6987837323, info@ensoma.gr
Back in Corfu
After adventures in the mountains of Crete which taught me more about the meaning of Teacher, Durability and Plasticity Ensoma is back in Corfu. For individual and/or group sessions, for all ages, contact: 0030 6987837323, info@ensoma.gr