Zoë Valerie and Natalie Mandila have a lot in common. They offer each other inspiration, they are each other’s student and teacher and they have studied and danced side by side. In 2018 dance and movement education at Casa Lucia will be guided by both Zoë and Natalie. Natalie will be teaching weekly Movimentura classes […]
ENSOMA developments
2018 shifts gears. Natalie Mandila and Zoë Valerie will co-teach the sessions at Casa Lucia. Natalie is a teacher and a student of Zoë’s. From the second week of January Natalie will teach 5 weeks and Zoë 3-day intensives (Friday-Saturday-Sunday). We propose the existing groups (the Monday, Thursday and Saturday groups) join in to one […]
Eνσώμα για ενήλικες-Ensoma for adults
English further down. “Το Ενσώμα είναι ένας από τους φωτεινούς δρόμους που διάλεξα στην ενήλικη ζωή μου για να με συνδέσουν με τα καλά κομμάτια της παιδικής και εμβρυακής μνήμης του σώματος μου μια και η αλήθεια όλων μας βρίσκεται κάπου εκεί βαθιά στην κυτταρική μας μνήμη.” (Δείτε μαρτυρίες) Από 2 Οκτωβρίου κάθε Δευτέρα 10:30-12:00 […]
The Spring Academy
I am very happy to have organised and participated in the Spring Academy.